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Height (cm)

Pack sizes

3 Tubers, 6 Tubers

Eremurus Pinokkio



Eremurus Pinokkio, (foxtail lily). Fully hardy.  Perennial. This magnificent plant needs full sun, well-drained soil.    Eremurus Pinokkio grows to a height of 125cm (4ft), ideal for the herbaceous border or as centrepieces in beds of their own.

Size 1 Tubers supplied.

Additional information




Height (cm)

Pack sizes

3 Tubers, 6 Tubers

Planting Guide

Plant:  September-November,  with the tip of the crown just below the surface; about 8 cm of compost on top.  Flowers June- July.    Height 125 cm.

Hardy Perennial.   Needs full sun with well-drained soil,  if soil is heavy mix in some sharp sand.  Plant in a sheltered site to protect from wind, with the protruding centre piece facing upwards.   Feed with a slow release fertiliser. If winter is severely cold; cover with a mulch to protect crown.  Once the plant starts to grow look out for snails hiding in the early foliage as they can, if allowed, nibble through the stem.

Propagate:  Divide overcrowded clumps in autumn.

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