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Additional information


Height (cm)


February – March

Pack sizes

10 bulbs, 25 bulbs, 50 bulbs

Iris Reticulata Polar Ice



Dwarf Iris, Polar Ice (Reticulata) Hardy.  Perennial.  These low growing iris thrive best in full sun or half shade with well- drained soil.    The flowers appear on stems 10-15 cm tall during February. Iris always make a magnificent display and look their best when planted in groups of single colour.

Bulb Size 6up.

Additional information


Height (cm)


February – March

Pack sizes

10 bulbs, 25 bulbs, 50 bulbs

Planting Guide

Plant:  September-November.    8 cm deep.      Spacing 5 to 8 cm.    Flowers February.      Height 15 cm.

Hardy. Perennial.   Thrives in full sun or partial shade, in light well-drained soil.  They make a magnificent display when planted in single colours.   Ideal for front borders, rockeries pots and containers.    The flowers are short lived but remind us the spring has arrived.

Propagate:  By dividing clumps in June, lift and store in a cool place until planting time in the autumn.

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