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Additional information


Height (cm)


June-Late October

Pack sizes

15 bulbs, 5 bulbs

Begonia Non Stop Mixed



Begonia ‘Non Stop’  Mixed colours.   Frost-tender.  Perennial. Flowers all summer long.   Excellent for flower beds, borders, pots, containers and window boxes.  They flourish in sun or light shade and need to be watered regularly during dry weather.  The Non stop begonias produce an abundance of flower throughout summer and autumn and will often carry on through to the first frost.  The flowers are smaller than that of the double flowering and exotic begonias.   Perfect for winter colour when most other flowering plants have died back.

Top Size Tubers Supplied.  Size 5up.

Additional information


Height (cm)


June-Late October

Pack sizes

15 bulbs, 5 bulbs

Planting Guide

Plant: March-April    7-10 cm deep.   Spacing 20 cm.    Flowers June-October.   Height 20-30 cm.

Frost tender. Perennial.   Grow in sun or light shade with humus rich compost that has good drainage. Once growing water and feed regularly using a good slow release fertilizer i.e. Liquid Growmore.   Begonias are good for large pots, containers and hanging baskets, they can also be grown in borders.    Lift tubers before frost, store upside down either in the shed or garage, somewhere cool and dark but frost free.   Remove the remaining stem once dried out.  Replant In March or April.

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